"Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise."
Opening Prayer:
Father, your Son became like us when he revealed himself in our nature: help us to become more like him, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever.
Today's Readings:
Daily Meditation:
In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins. 1 John 4
O God, give your judgment to the king; your justice to the son of kings; That he may govern your people with justice, your oppressed with right judgment, ...That he may defend the oppressed among the people, save the poor and crush the oppressor. Psalm 72
His heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. ...They all ate and were satisfied. Mark 4
Jesus is full of compassion for us in his unconditional love for us. Even when it seems impossible, he still shows us the way and nourishes us with his love.
May we be grateful for his love for us these days. May we be like him in our love for one another.
Today's Daily Reflection:
Let us rejoice in the compassion of Christ, who came to free mankind from the slavery of corruption and to give us the freedom of the sons of God. Trusting in this divine compassion, we plead: By your birth, deliver us from evil.
Lord, you existed before the ages, yet you entered into a new life, renew us continually through the mystery of your birth.
Without surrendering your divinity, you wondrously took on our humanity, grant that our lives may press on to a fuller participation in your divinity.
You came to be a light to the nations, the teacher of holiness, let your words be a light along our way.
Word of God made flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, you entered this world, live in our hearts always through faith.
Closing Prayer:
Jesus, you became one of us on this earth. What I want now is to be more like you: more compassionate and patient, more guided by your Holy Spirit.
'In this is love.' It is impossible to believe in the kind of love you have for me. If only I believed it how different my life would be! It seems impossible that you could love me as you do and yet you are the very center of that impossible love. Help me to be more grateful for all you have given me so that my response might be one of generosity to you and those you have placed in my life.
May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Scripture Lady
12 years ago
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